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Everything posted by Tedman

  1. From the album: Interior

    With a bit more work it's starting to look like it belongs there.
  2. From the album: Autech SR20DE

    I've been trying to deduce the reason for the dip in the fuel curve (and RWHP) at around 5200 RPM. Here we can see that the air flow curve correlates, so it would appear that the answer may lie in the intake and/or the exhaust system. The exhaust system is probably somewhat restrictive at only 2.25" diameter.
  3. From the album: Autech SR20DE

    This chart shows RPM, injector duty cycle percent, speed in MPH (despite what legend says), degrees of timing advance, and injector pulse duration in milliseconds. I've been trying to determine the source of the oscillation in the fuel curve. Also, I'm not yet sure if the 2mph speed increment limitation is with the BlaZT cable, Data Scan s/w or my VSS setup (speedo reads smoothly FWIW).
  4. From the album: Autech SR20DE

    This chart shows the injector duty cycle plotted versus RPM for seven consecutive 2nd gear full throttle runs. Oscillations in curve correlate with RWHP curve (dyno charts can be found elsewhere in this gallery). It looks like some fuel enrichment in the 5200-6000RPM and 6500RPM ranges might help fill in the dips in the RWHP curve. I'm seriously considering installing a fuel controller such as the Apexi S-AFC or the Blitz R-Fit.
  5. Tedman

    The Boat Ranch

    From the album: Surf

  6. Tedman

    No one out...yet

    From the album: Surf

  7. Tedman

    Morning Coffee

    From the album: Surf

  8. Tedman

    Hot Agave

    From the album: Surf

    Just so you know, we didn't dig up this Agave- some schmucks had already murdered it and brought it down to the beach before we ever showed up.
  9. Tedman

    El Hostel

    From the album: Surf

  10. From the album: Surf

  11. Tedman

    Bluebird Rally Cars

    From the album: Rally 510

    Top- Datsun Bluebird (negotiating muddy terrain) at the 18th East African Safari Rally. Bottom- Datsun Bluebird at RAC rally in England.
  12. Tedman


    From the album: Rally 510

  13. Tedman

    510 Crash Test

    From the album: 510 Promo/Ads

    "...Japan was beginning to impose its own stringent pollution and safety standards, but Nissan still kept American requirements in mind. Part of the work was done through a research operation called Calspan, formerly Cornell Aeronautical Laboratories, in the form of 50-mile-per-hour front-end crash tests with a modified Datsun 510. The conclusions were: The results of the tests come the closest of any work so far to reaching the desired curves for deceleration postulated by the NHTSA. The front bumper assembly was successful with both flat and pole barriers at speeds up to 10 mph. Except for slight deformation of right mounting brackets, there was no damage and the passenger compartment decelerations were nominally within the 10 G requirement. Their efforts brought Nissan a unique distinction for an automobile manufacturer- praise from Ralph Nader." -excerpted from "Nissan/Datsun: A history of Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., 1960-1980", by John B. Rae, pg 113.
  14. Tedman

    510 Model Guide

  15. From the album: Autech SR20DE

    Data logged with the BlaZT Consult interface cable and DataScan software. Shows acceleration from stop through 1st, 2nd and into 3rd gear. I wasn't trying for maximum acceleration , just wanted to see what was going on during full throttle acceleration (2nd gear).
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