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  2. Photo of low profile hood support installed. Prop rod works similar to stock prop rod except you pull leftward to release rather than forward. Note raised aluminum front strut tower brace near photo bottom. See Front Strut-Tower Cross-brace
  3. paolo


    Photo of prototype with 4 years of use. Prop rod works similar to stock prop rod except you pull leftward to release rather than forward.
  4. paolo


    Aluminum angle used is cut from a Home Depot metals part (3/4" x 3/4" x 1/16" - 3-ft length). Can be constructed accurately enough using a hack saw, drill with bits, and a metal file. Suggest mounting with stainless screw & washers. The #8 pan-head sheet metal screws work well.
  5. Prop rod may require slight bend outward (passenger side) to adjust tension against slide. Round end of rod (grind or file) where it touches guide to ensure smooth operation. Cut stock guide off using spot weld cutter. Remaining hubs seen protruding from brace in image. Smooth nubs and fill as preferred.
  6. Install aluminum angle prop rod guide per dimensions in image. Placement shown sets hood raised angle at about 46.5 degrees from horizontal, slightly more than stock. Adjust placement laterally to accommodate preferred hood angle.
  7. paolo

    Wagon Mods

    Various modifications or upgrades to the Datsun 510 Wagon. Some of these mods also apply to Sedans.
  8. paolo

    Useful Data

    Useful DATA you can see for FREE!
  9. carterb

    Slowpoke - 1971 1400DX Bluebird 4dr

    Pictures of my silver 1971 1400DX Bluebird 4dr
  10. carterb

    Swamp Thing Racecar

    Photos of JAYBO racing "Swamp Thing" racecar build and race
  11. paolo

    nuovo cinquecentodieci

    The New 510 overlay the Original 510
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